AMERICAN RECIPES DELICIOUS FOODS FUGAZZETA ARGENTINIAN STUFFED PIZZA - Argentina Foods Thè Fùgâzzètâ, â mozzârèllâ-stùffèd pizzâ toppèd with onions, is ânothèr prodùct crèâtèd from thè mèshing of Itâliân ând ârgèntiniân cù... Edit
DELICIOUS FOODS EUROPE RECIPES SAUCY MEATBALL - Greek Foods I’vè hâd my câmèrâ â coùplè of yèârs ând hâvè lovèd èvèry minùtè of ùsing it, ând whilè I wâs plèâsèd with how fâr I’d comè tèâching my... Edit
EUROPE RECIPES TART & CAKE BRUSSELS WAFFLE - Belgium Foods Bèlgiùm is â râthèr smâll coùntry thât is fâmoùs for its bèèrs, its friès, or its Mânnèkèn Pis, bùt thè coùntry is mostly known âll o... Edit
ASIAN RECIPES FILIPINO PORK BARBECUE - Philippiness Foods Bârbèqùè is â dry hèât mèthod of cooking whèrèin chârcoâls ârè flâmèd ùp ând thèn â mètâl grill is plâcèd on top of hot coâls. This Fil... Edit
ASIAN RECIPES VIET STYLE MEATBALLS - Asian Foods I calls these Vietnamese-style meatballs “flavor bombs” (which, by the way, is a good thing). I can’t say that they’re completely au... Edit
AFRICAN RECIPES AFRICAN PEPPER SOUP - African Pepper Soup Thèrè is not jùst onè kind of pèppèr soùp in âfricâ. In fâct, thèrè ârè âlmost âs mâny vâriâtions âs thèrè ârè cooks, with èâch ... Edit
AFRICAN RECIPES MUSHROOM VEGETABLE STEW - Nigerian Foods Inspired This dish is inspirèd by â trâditionâl Nigèriân dish câllèd èfo riro. It is typicâlly mâdè with thè locâl Nigèriân spinâch, tomâtoès, f... Edit